We offer a guarantee for sales on most pieces of equipment.
Polk Auction Company accepts consignments during normal business hours throughout the year. These consignments will normally appear in our next annual auction in New Paris, IN. The regularly scheduled auctions that we have are the Late Model and Construction Auction in late January / early February each year, the Spring Collector Tractor, Toy, Literature, & Memorabilia Auction in April each year, and the Labor Day Collector Tractor, Toy, Literature, & Memorabilia Auction. We also have Great Outdoors & Sportsman Auction annually, held on the Saturday in December.
An alternative to a consignment of your equipment with Polk Auction is the option of having your own auction at your location managed and run by Polk Auction Company. In this situation, Polk Auction will supply the manpower necessary to have the auction and you, the customer, will supply the equipment, the site, and the additional equipment necessary to make the auction a success. We will work with you to ensure that all needs are met and all equipment is in place and ready for the auction. Polk Auction personnel will then conduct the auction, provide the accounting for all transactions, and present you with a check for the auction net. Your part in the entire process is to walk among the crowd, greet friends and neighbors, and enjoy the proceedings – we do the rest.
No hidden fees or additional charges!
*Please call Polk Auction for a quotation on the charges applicable to having your own auction at your own location or online.*
Consignment Form

Come Find Us
Polk Auction Company
72435 IN-15, New Paris, IN 46553
(877) 915-4440